Lesson Plans, Unit Plans, and Guides
Appalachia: A Thematic Unit for Miami County Teachers on Appalachian Culture
Source: John Virgint, Mimeo by the Miami County Educational Service Center
Appalachian Culture: A Guide for Students and Teachers
1976. Peggy Calestro and Ann Hill. Columbus, OH: Ohio University Research Foundation.
Appalachian Idea Book
Author(s): Tina Constanzo, Felicia Napier, et al
Description: A collection of ideas and activities designed to help teachers develop awareness of Appalachian history and culture among their students. Available for a fee through the Urban Appalachian Council.
Appalachian Music
Source: Association for Cultural Equity
Description: Film clips of various types of Appalachian music with lesson plans to accompany them.
Appalachian Readings and Activities Handbook
1981. Emma Jo Dotson. M.E. Practicum, Ashland, OH: Ashland College.
Appalachian Resources for Teachers: A List with Annotations
Author(s): Pat Blasi, Alex Brown, et al
Description: Includes books, periodicals, films, local grass-roots organizations, and music festivals compiled by students in the University of Cincinnati’s College of Community Services. Contact: Urban Appalachian Council’s Frank Foster Library
An Appalachian Curriculum: A Fourth Grade Curriculum Guide
Author(s): Mary Chandler, Lisa Gibson, et al
Description: “A guide written by teachers for teachers [for use] by any class or group who
wishes to learn more about the resources of the Southern Appalachian region.” Print Copies Available for a fee
Countdown to the Millennium Project Lesson Plans
Source: Countdown to the Millennium Oral History Project
Description: Lessons Plans are available to accompany a radio Series on oral history and
Appalachian themes.
Foxfire Program
Source: The Foxfire Fund, Inc.
Description: Foxfire is an approach to teaching and learning, as well as a source of
Appalachian resource materials.
Increasing Appalachian Awareness Through Classroom Projects
2000. Selena Hillenberg and Corrina Harmon. Classroom materials for helping Appalachian students discover their heritage. Print copies available for a fee.
Lesson Plan on the Appalachians
Author(s): Jody Honaker, Teacher
Description: Lesson plan on Appalachian people, culture, and lifestyles
Nestled in the Misty Mountains: An Appalachian Studies Unit for the Elementary Classroom
1995. Carol E. Hancock. A 55-page kit of ideas and activities that includes topics such as food, music, and crafts. Print copies available for a fee.
Ohio Appalachia Activity Book: Things to Learn, See, and Do (2005)
Author(s): Rebecca Baer and Deanna Tribe
Source: OSU Extension Center
Talking Appalachian: Voice, Identity, and Community. Amy Clark and Nancy Hayward, eds. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2014
Teaching Appalachia: Image and Reality of Appalachian Culture Description: 15 Lesson Plans by topic and grade level
A Unit of Study on Appalachian History, Life, and Migration (Grades 5-8) (Book)
Author(s): Kathleen Sowders
Description: Mimeo by the Urban Appalachian Council
Economics and the Environment
“Coal Classroom” and Environmental Education Center
Source: Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation
Check out the 14 teaching modules
“Impacts of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining on the Communities and Environment of Appalachia” 15-Minute DVD with Teacher’s Guide (Free)
Source: David Cooper
To Request, Please Contact: David Cooper at davecooper928@yahoo.com
Literature, Language, and Folklore
Appalachian Literature, Appalachian Culture: Literature-Based, Cross Curricular Activities for Middle and High School Classrooms. (Book)
Author(s): Written by Judy Sizemore, edited by Ginny Eager
Description: Published by Forward in the Fifth, and available for a fee through the Jesse Stuart Foundation
“Resources for Readers and Teachers of Appalachian Literature for Children and Young Adults”
Source: Ferrum College’s AppLit
Appalachian Folk Music: A Lesson Plan on Appalachian Folk Music for Grades 4 &
Author(s): Carmen Billings
Appalachian Riddle Song (Lesson Plan for Grades 2-8)
Source: Teachervision.com Mountain Music Study Guide
Author: Jeff Robbins
Music of the Southern Appalachian Mountains (2003)
Author(s): Mike Seeger
Description: Includes suggested lesson plans.