BIPOC Membership Scholarships
The Appalachian Studies Association (ASA) is seeking applications from individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) for a new scholarship program intended to support BIPOC participation in the ASA. To assist the committee with making award decisions, interested individuals should submit a brief statement (no more than 500 words) describing their interest in Appalachian studies and how they believe that conference registration and membership in the ASA will be useful to their work,. Recipients will be selected based on the application narrative, financial need, and the resources of ASA. Applications will be due by February 10, 2025, and award notifications will go out February 19, 2025.
Scholarships cover the cost of registration/membership only. Meals and other ticketed activities are not included. Travel and lodging are the responsibility of conference attendees. An ASA scholarship serves as your registration for the conference. Scholarship applicants do not need to register or pay UNLESS notified that they are not receiving a scholarship. If you are notified you received a scholarship, please respond via email accepting the scholarship. You need take no further action, you are registered for the Conference, and may pick up your registration materials at the conference upon signing in.
The scholarship application deadline is February 10, 2025. Recipients will receive award notification by February 19, 2025.
Please note the following:
Be sure to include an email that you check frequently so you do not miss the award notification! Please contact us at asa@marshall.edu if you do not hear from us by February 19, 2025.
If you apply for a scholarship but already registered for 2025, or are a representative for an exhibit, we will assume that you do not need the scholarship and will award it to someone on our waiting list.
Award recipients must confirm receipt of the award by emailing asa@marshall.edu by March 6, 2025. Please include in the email subject line “attending” or “not attending” as applicable.
The award of a scholarship by Appalachian Studies Association, Inc., is only to receive registration to attend the annual ASA conference (membership is included). Scholarships: may only be used for conference registration; are non-transferable; and have no cash value.
Recipients who accept the award and later find that they are unable to attend should email asa@marshall.edu so that we may redirect the award to another applicant.
Applicants who do not receive the award should register online at https://www.press.uillinois.edu/journals/subscribe_now.php?id=jas by March 6, 2025 to receive the pre-conference rate.