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Wild Path

ASA Internship


Students who work with the ASA will develop a broad skillset through hands-on professional experience. Interns for the fall term will work with ASA staff on a variety of projects. Interns will be asked to assist with copyediting conference materials, the association newsletter and journal; update and expand website content; and create social media content. Responsibilities will vary depending upon students’ field of study and interests. Interns will receive three hours of undergraduate or graduate credit. Interns will need a Letter of Agreement from a faculty sponsor who will oversee the internship course and documentation that the internship is part of a course of study. Interns must have registered for the course by the end of the second day of classes.


This is an unpaid internship.


For more information, please contact ASA office manager Ann E. Bryant at

(304) 696-2904 or


Internship Partners

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We are so pleased to work with the Honors College at Marshall University to provide internship opportunities for Marshall students.


Learn more about the collaboration here:

Internship Partners - Honors College (

Current and Past Interns


Raithlyn Godfrey is a recent Marshall University graduate who—following the completion of her internship at the ASA headquarters—is now working for the association.

Raithlyn's Portfolio​

Yndiana Montes-Fogelquist is an older student who will be the first Latina holding an M.A. in Appalachian Studies. After a successful career as a journalist in the Caribbean, she moved to North engaging immediately with the community, in person and through social media and online campaigns, using her local social media platforms to support projects and nonprofits such as the Cape Fear River Watch, Wilmington Vegan, Working Narratives, NC Stop Gen-X in our Water, and others.
During her time as a graduate student at Appalachian Studies, she has been managing the Center for Appalachian Studies’ social media platform with an institutional mind but a compassionate heart for all things Appalachian, “in accordance with my mentors in our program,” she says. She has been reporting about every effort that faculty and graduate students have undertaken to support the sustainable systems in Appalachia, adding her experiential media production efforts. The program now has extensive documentation of the majority of the important events in which the center has participated in these last years. “I have been able to quadruple our followers and increase community interactions with my assistantship”, she says.
Her internship with the Appalachian Studies Association as a social media expert and translator (English to Spanish) is supporting our efforts of reaching the Hispanic market. This year marks the 20th anniversary of BRWIA, and together with Judith Phoenix, she made this video, now located on their website. 
Dr. Pat Beaver, a founding mother of BRWIA, is featured.
Additionally, she’s committed to starting the High Country Spanish Conversation MeetUp. This gathering will occur twice per month in the Watauga County Agricultural Conference Center beginning the first Saturday of each month starting October 7th. Counting on the support of the director of Watauga Agricultural Conference Center, Dr. Jim Hamilton, Sydney Blume, the new BRWIA's Double Up Food Bucks & Market Manager of Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture, and her husband Dr. Jim Fogelquist, (who teaches Spanish in Appalachian State University and is semi-retired.) The initiative is for folks who want to learn how to speak Spanish, but also it will work in another way, “I’m planning to teach, in Spanish, what I have learned in our program, specifically what is related to music, preservation, environmental issues, literature, and the culture of Appalachia. The language and cultural barriers do not allow that, in many cases, the Hispanic population embraces the rich culture of Appalachia. Without a deeper knowledge of Appalachian culture, it is not possible to feel a real sense of community,” she concludes

Yndiana's Portfolio​




Mary Thomas,

Executive Director,


Ann E. Bryant,

Office Manager,


Telephone: (304) 696-2904
Mailing Address:

Appalachian Studies Association

One John Marshall Drive

Huntington, WV 25755


The Appalachian Studies Association was formed in 1977 by a group of scholars, teachers, and regional activists who believed that shared community has been and will continue to be important to those writing, researching, and teaching about Appalachia. The ASA is headquartered at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia.

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Website designed by: Aaron Nelson, Ann E. Bryant, Caleb Pendygraft, Kayden Fox, Lumina Fioravante, and Raithlyn Godfrey

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