JAS Back Issues
The first publication of the Appalachian Studies Conference included collections of papers presented at the annual conferences and was entitled Proceedings. In 1989, the name was changed to the Journal of the Appalachian Studies Association (JASA), and the journal began publishing articles, studies, and book reviews in addition to conference papers. The name was again changed to the Journal of Appalachian Studies in the early 1990s when the ASA office relocated to the campus of West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. The current headquarters has been managing publication of the JAS since 2001 when the ASA relocated to Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia.
To inquire about permissions for the Journal of the Appalachian Studies Association (JASA), please contact Roberta Herrin at herrinr@etsu.edu, and for Proceedings, please contact Neva Specht at spechtnj@appstate.edu.