The International Connections Committee of the Appalachian Studies Association invites you to a free Zoom event, "International Appalachia: Online Networking Event Celebrating UN International Mountain Day 2022."
What: A drop-in Zoom event for two constituencies: 1) international friends of Appalachia--established, new, and curious--who are interested in learning about and/or strengthening connections with our US mountain region, the field of Appalachian studies, and Appalachianist scholars/community members and 2) Appalachianists and Appalachian community members who are curious about internationalizing their teaching, research, and engagement practice with other mountain scholars and mountain people from around the world.
When: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 from noon to 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (drop-in)
Where: Zoom (registration required)
Cost: Free
Organizer: This event is organized by the International Connections Committee (ICC) of the Appalachian Studies Association (ASA). The duties of the ICC are to raise the profile of ASA and the field of Appalachian studies internationally; support connections between Appalachian studies and mountain studies globally; circulate the ASA preliminary call for papers internationally; advise and assist conference planners with the logistics of working with international participants; and organize at least one comparative mountain studies session each year at the ASA conference.
ICC members are:
Sasikumar Balasundaram
Chad Berry
Theresa Burriss
Sarah Craycraft
Sophia Enriquez
Donald Davis
Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth
Ann Kingsolver
Katherine Ledford, chair
Christopher Miller
Kathryn Newfont
Ted Olson
Ronald Roach
