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Journal Committee

Membership and Duties

(1) The JAS will be multi-disciplinary in its selection of articles, general publishing orientation, and Editorial Board and Staff members. It will attempt to provide a disciplinary balance in its selection of manuscripts over the long term. (2) The JAS will be a peer-reviewed publication. (3) The JAS Editor will be appointed by the ASA President, based upon the recommendation of the JAS Editorial Board, for a four-year term. The term may be indefinitely renewed in four-year increments so long as the Editorial Board agrees that the current Editor should continue to hold the position. (4) The JAS Editor will be free to appoint Editorial Staff members, upon recommendation of the Editorial Board, to assist with the publication of the journal. The ASA Executive Director and Office Manager will operate as the Managing and Assistant Managing Editors, respectively. (5) New members of the JAS Editorial Board will be appointed by the JAS Editor with approval of current JAS Editorial Board members. (6) Inactive members of the JAS Editorial Board will be replaced if they become unresponsive to manuscript review requests, do not participate in e-votes or discussions pertinent to JAS business, or do not make contact with the JAS Editor or fellow board members to explain their absence. “Inactive” shall be defined as a period of no less than twelve months. A majority vote must be taken by active members of the JAS Editorial Board to remove an inactive member. (7) Members of the JAS International Board of Advisors will be appointed by the JAS Editor upon recommendation of the ASA Steering Committee. (8) The JAS Editor may opt to publish special issues of the journal, provided that the Editorial Board is in agreement and additional sources of funding can be secured. (9) Calls for journal submissions will be regularly announced via the ASA Members LISTSERV and relevant media outlets.

The terms of this agreement are open to review and re-negotiation by the JAS Editorial Board and elected representatives of the Association.

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